This day and age we do not pay much attention to our environment or the way we interact with it. We just go about our business and trust that everything keeps on working. But the truth is a lot more has changed in the last 100 years than what you see on the surface or that you may be aware of. Our lives have become saturated with electromagnetic waves, from the cell phones, cell towers, weather radar, aircraft communications, Wi-Fi routers, radio and satellite transmissions, and on and on. 24 hours a day we are bathed in artificial magnetic fields. Most of these are high frequency originating from some man made source. Our bodies act as antennae absorbing these waves and converting them into harmful energy that over time causes our bodies to be susceptible to illness and injury.
Radio Towers
In the more distant past, footwear was made of materials that allowed our feet to electrically connect to the earth. This is referred to as earthing. Grounding is the connection to earth via copper or other conductive materials, like the grounding wires in every home. When our bodies are connected to the earth through either of these means, any rogue energies that have been picked up are neutralized by this connection to the earth. However, as time has passed, our footwear has become increasingly good at protecting our feet. So much so that our bodies are no longer able to connect to the earth when we leave our homes. This leads to long periods of time when we are exposed to the high ambient energy around us without the ability to ground to earth.
Now to more recent history. People have not only become increasingly aware of these truths, but it has become clear the extent of the effects that the lack of earthing has on the body. There are numerous testimonials, to include medical professionals, recounting their conditions and how earthing drastically helped to restore health.
How does earthing and grounding actually help us?
First, we will look at what we experience without earthing, and then we will look at how to mitigate that outcome. It has been observed that the electrical charge the body holds when not grounded or earthed, exacerbates inflammation. As heightened inflammation persists, normal healing becomes protracted, slow, or ceases all together. The body consumes significantly more energy attempting to heal and it has a hard time recovering.
To mitigate this buildup in our bodies and the associated health costs, we use earthing for free or actual grounding products to help while you’re indoors. Basic benefits of these practices are:
Reduced Inflammation
Improved Sleep
Improved Circulation
Improved Well-Being
Decreased Pain Levels
Improved Recovery Times
Explore some more in depth information below in the documentary “The Earthing Movie” to hear testimonials, research, and more about earthing in general.
To summarize, insulated shoe soles and our constant isolation from the elements have drawbacks, namely our bodies cannot contact the earth, living in our tech world saturates us with high energy waves that accumulate in our bodies, and without taking time to ground to earth our bodies are prevented from performing and healing optimally.
Workstation Grounding Mat to Mitigate Workspace Stress and Tension
If you aren’t into the outdoors, there are a multitude of products out there to help close the gap and have a daily grounding/earthing practice! You can get wrist and ankle straps that connect to the ground plug in the wall of your home, bed sheets, mouse pads, foot pads, and so on. Each one uses a metal conductor to connect you to the grounding wire in the home, which then connects to a large copper rod buried in the earth. You can use them while you work, read, cook, clean, and sleep. I have even used the cord to ground some of my bathwater meditations.
For me the biggest testament I can share is this: as a drywall contractor, I am constantly subjecting myself, not only to the rogue energies out there, but to daily physical abuse with heavy lifting and lots of body strain. In the past, my lower back pain never subsided, but nightly rest wearing a strap, in conjunction with some yoga, has not only resulted in my back healing completely, but it is also able to fully recover each night from the day’s work.
Short term, you may see minor relief of anxiety, stress, and pain as the body flushes the unwanted electrical charge to the earth. Long term, you may see reduced swelling, full healing of injuries, less or no pain, healing in places you didn’t notice needed it, improved sleep quality, more energy, and better moods. I have lived the results first hand myself and I can attest to the importance of beginning a daily practice of earthing for yourself and for your loved ones.
While it is fantastic that there are so many products out there which help us to connect to earth in the midst of our hectic lives, there is always the tried and true method for earthing. It is free and requires not just no equipment, but a lack of equipment even. Venture outside, remove your shoes and socks, step onto a patch of lush, green grass, and there you go. Spending a little time each day, where possible, outside connected to the earth will do wonders for your body, and your mind.
If you are interested in products for yourself, your loved ones, or even your pets, check out our earthing partner below.
If you have chronic pain, anxiety, feel stuck, or just need support, contact us to set up a free health consultation.