Aerial Yoga Teacher Training - April 18-20

Connecting with Balance

Amidst all of the uncertainties of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is easy to get off balance and lose your sense of self as your daily routines are upended, work is lost or shifted to home, your front-line family and friends are exposed daily to the virus, and we really have no idea how long these precautions will last and how things will turn out.

We understand and are here to help you find your balance, reconnect to yourself, define yourself without the associations and attachments of our communities, and really find what it means to live beyond limit. How?

fort collins yoga
  • Taking a step back from the chaos.

    • Limit your online time and give yourself updates at a designated time or two each day to stay in the loop of what is going on in your state, community, and the globe while focusing on how to stay safe, minimize contact, support your neighbors, and follow CDC, WHO, and government guidelines.

  • Recalibrating the definition of self.

    • In yoga, the practice of unity with the self, we have a philosophical term and practice called aparigraha, which roughly translates to non-attachment. This idea extends to the fact that our essence and core being is unchanging and limitless. We, ourselves, are not defined by the things we do, the people we see, the roles we play, or the ideas the world has for us. We are defined by our own being, our own essence, the life that flows through our every cell, structure, and biofield. When all the things we normally do and interact with change, it is an opportunity to reconnect with ourselves and to observe what we may have become attached to and falsely identified with. Note: Connections are NOT attachments. I can have relationships, interact with the world, value my job, and so on and so forth without being defined by and attached to these things.

  • Being proactive and creating a routine.

    • Staying home can take a toll on those who are used to hustling and bustling about. It is important that you develop a routine on yourself to help stay grounded, proactive with your health, and well rested/nurtured.

    • Set a routine time to wake up and go to bed each day and stick within a 30 minutes of these goals. If you have trouble sleeping, try to wake up with and take a peak at the sunrise and take time to see the sunset. Morning sun helps our brain regulate serotonin levels, while the sunset helps us stimulate and regulate melatonin.

    • Make sure to eat regular meals….while it may be tempting to snack away, that can also pack on unwanted results. A great option is to get yourself into a 12/12 or 8/16 hour window where you eat all of your meals within 12 or 8hours of each other. This allows your body to heal itself more adequately and regulates your metabolism for fat burning and prime immune function.

    • Choose when you tune into email, work, and the news. Create windows for yourself so you aren’t working all day and so you aren’t bombarding yourself with news and micro updates.

    • Make sure exercise is a part of your routine! Go for a walk, do some at home yoga, take a conditioning class and sweat! It releases a whole slew of amazing chemicals for pain relief, immunity, mental health and overall wellbeing! Plus it keeps your lymph moving when your lifestyle has been slowed down from normal to and from activities.

  • Nutritionally nurturing oneself.

    • Food is the original form of medicine and our first line of defense! This is NOT the time for junk food and feel good sugary “treats” since these foods are fuel for harmful microflora in the gut lining, or microbiome. This is the time for fresh nutrient dense foods, balanced meals, and homemade cooking with love. These foods feed the healthy flora in our gut that keep our immune system AND our serotonin levels in check and at optimal function.

  • Tapping into nervous system balancing techniques.

    • While it is easy to get overwhelmed with all the news out there, we are not designed to stay healthy in a constant stress state. We all have the capacity to take the reigns on our nervous system to get out of a constant fight, flight, and freeze mode and return to our natural, health supporting homeostasis.

    • Try yoga, thai chi, qi gong, meditative walks or bike rides on a trail. The goal is to connect with yourself through these exercises and disconnect from the hubbub of society and the news. We are currently offering online classes if you’d like to give them a try!

    • Get fresh air, sunshine, and plenty of water to help keep yourself consistent and balanced physically, mentally, and emotionally.

    • Explore breath work, or pranayama. A particularly balancing breath practice is called Nadi Shodhana or alternate nostril breathing. Check out this link for a good tutorial from Yoga Journal.

    • Try earthing. The Journal of Environmental and Public Health released a study that showed earthing to help decrease inflammation, pain, stagnation, and free-radicals in the body via the earth’s own abundance of electrons. It helps boost and even out circulation, reduce and normalize cortisol levels, and essentially lets your body reset from all the electromagnetic activity surrounding you on a daily basis.

    • Exploring the positives and opportunities of this world event. When we focus on what we can be grateful for during this time, we help tap into our bodies’ innate capacity to produce our feel good chemicals scientifically known as oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine. By doing this, we also see out cortisol levels decrease and our immune system’s IgA levels increase, which helps us ward off illnesses of the mind and body. To learn more about these benefits, check out this awesome article on gratitude by Positive Psychology.

      • Currently the earth is healing itself at alarming rates! Dolphins have returned to the canals of Venice, air pollution is down, our carbon footprint is down, farmers are in high demand after being hurt in the past years, less food is being wasted in restaurants and from grocery stores.

      • People are coming together to support each other and keep their communities afloat.

      • Many overworked industries are getting time off. While this may be challenging in some regards, the opportunity to take some time at home is rare and precious. What can we do with this time? How can you get creative? How can you rise to support others? How can you take care of yourself right now?

      • People are seeing the value of our healthcare system and its inherent flaws and need for a discussion of industry changes and adjustments to support the population, healthcare workers, and be prepared to deal with any future events should the need arise.

  • Set up social opportunities through digital platforms and your telephone. It is vital to stay connected! We are in the digital age where we can stream live with our loved ones and community members! It is time to get creative and stay in touch. Tell those you love, that you love them.

Give the above a try and let us know if you have questions, would like help creating a routine, or need support mentally, physically, or spiritually! We are here to help you learn to thrive and live beyond limit
