The Yamas - Satya
Often times we think of yoga as the fitness classes with iconic postures, yoga pants, flexible people, and zen like teachers. While you may come across some or all of these aspects of yoga, true Yoga is the "yoking of mind, body, and spirit" and consists of 8 limbs (Astanga) of external and internal practices both on and off of the mat.
The 8 Limbs of Yoga (Astanga):
Yamas – social morals or observances
Niyamas – personal observances
Asana - posture
Pranayama – breath or prana control
Pratyahara – internalization of the senses
Dharana - focus
Dhyana - meditation
Samadhi – absorption
By practicing on and off the mat and taking a deeper look into the philosophy behind this syncing and aligning of an individuals mind, body, and spirit we can get a better look at our specific kleshas, or roots of suffering. Often we find that our lives and mat practices are riddled with inconsistencies that create disharmony and conflict within ourselves and surroundings.
Today, we'll look at the yamas, and specifically satya, the practice of truthfulness.
Satya is the ability to stand in one’s truth at all times. Beyond telling the truth to others, it's telling the truth to oneself. It is not only seeing the truth of the full situation at hand, but also living the truth of that situation. When we practice satya the mind, body, and spirit are in alignment with one another and our energy is resonant, full, and impactful. When we live in falsehoods, contradictions, or lies we experience energetic riffs or dissonance that can be felt physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually in our bodies, relationships, and outreach.
Satya is a very intentional and conscious practice that brings great ease into our paths when accomplished. In order to fully practice satya, one must dive beyond their personal vantage point and perspective and take into account factors beyond their personal experience that motivate others and the environment. Once individuals can step out of their limited perspective, the full truth can be revealed.
By remaining open to all that there is and all that there could be that is outside of our previous experiences, we free ourselves and clients from their pasts and the limiting factors that have been practiced.
Ask yourself:
- Do I lie to myself?
- Do I lie to others?
- What subjects do I tend to lie the most about?
- What am I afraid of if I tell the truth?
- Am I open or am I closed off in my interactions?
- Do I try to analyze everything with my mind/ego, or do I feel into situations?
- What judgments do I have of others and myself?
- What stories do I tell myself about myself or the world? Are they still true to this day?
- What is my personal core truth? What resonates with me the most? When do I feel the most authentic?
Have questions or want some one on one coaching for your life and practice? Contact us to be supported in your journey.